TOKYO: Machine learning and gravity signals could rapidly detect big earthquakes

TOKYO: Machine learning and gravity signals could rapidly detect big earthquakes

TOKYO: Massive earthquakes don’t just move the ground — they make speed-of-light adjustments to Earth’s…

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BEIJING: 50 years ago, freezing sperm faced scientific skepticism

BEIJING: 50 years ago, freezing sperm faced scientific skepticism

BEIJING: In 1972, scientists debated the long-term viability of frozen sperm. Fifty years later, children…

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PARIS: Gravitational wave ‘radar’ could help map the invisible universe

PARIS: Gravitational wave ‘radar’ could help map the invisible universe

CALIFORNIA: This giant bacterium is the largest one found yet

CALIFORNIA: This giant bacterium is the largest one found yet

CALIFORNIA: The newfound species, Thiomargarita magnifica, is roughly a centimeter long, and its cells are…

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BERLIN: Cats chewing on catnip boosts the plant’s insect-repelling powers

BERLIN: Cats chewing on catnip boosts the plant’s insect-repelling powers

BERLIN: Catnip is known to bug bugs. When a cat chews, licks and destroys catnip,…

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BONN: Physicists may have finally spotted elusive clusters of four neutrons

BONN: Physicists may have finally spotted elusive clusters of four neutrons

BONN: For six decades, researchers have hunted for clusters of four neutrons called tetraneutrons. But…

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WARSAW: Earth’s oldest known wildfires raged 430 million years ago

WARSAW: Earth’s oldest known wildfires raged 430 million years ago

WARSAW: Bits of charcoal entombed in ancient rocks unearthed in Wales and Poland push back…

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KOLKATA: Startup in Bengal develops a device to produce oxygen from water

KOLKATA: Startup in Bengal develops a device to produce oxygen from water

KOLKATA: A startup in West Bengal has come out with a device that produces oxygen…

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TORONTO: Meet the smallest ever remote-controlled walking robot

TORONTO: Meet the smallest ever remote-controlled walking robot

TORONTO: Engineers have unveiled the smallest remote-controlled walking robot ever created – even tinier than…

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BERLIN: Scientists discover why Neptune and Uranus are different colours despite similarities

BERLIN: Scientists discover why Neptune and Uranus are different colours despite similarities

BERLIN: Scientists have explained why Neptune and Uranus are different colours despite having much in…

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