JOKE OF THE DAY – I can never take my dog to the park because the ducks keep trying to bite him.

JOKE OF THE DAY – I can never take my dog to the park because the ducks keep trying to bite him.

I can never take my dog to the park because the ducks keep trying to bite him. I guess that’s what I get for buying a pure bread…

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JOKE OF THE DAY – What gets wetter the more it dries?
JOKE OF THE DAY – Dark ages?

JOKE OF THE DAY – Dark ages?

Why were they called the “dark ages?” Because there were a lot of knights.  

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JOKE OF THE DAY – Why doesn’t Dracula have any friends?

JOKE OF THE DAY – Why doesn’t Dracula have any friends?

Why doesn’t Dracula have any friends? Well, honestly, he’s a real pain in the neck.

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JOKE OF THE DAY – What does a house wear?
JOKE OF THE DAY – Why doesn’t Dracula have any friends?

JOKE OF THE DAY – Why doesn’t Dracula have any friends?

Why doesn’t Dracula have any friends? Well, honestly, he’s a real pain in the neck.

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JOKE OF THE DAY – What kind of shorts do clouds wear?
JOKE OF THE DAY – Why should you never trust stairs?

JOKE OF THE DAY – Why should you never trust stairs?

JOKE OF THE DAY – What did one ocean say to the other ocean?

JOKE OF THE DAY – What did one ocean say to the other ocean?

JOKE OF THE DAY – What do dentists call their x-rays?