NEW DELHI: Weight Loss: Nutritionist Tells 3 Facts About Body Weight That You Need To Know Immediately

NEW DELHI: Weight Loss: Nutritionist Tells 3 Facts About Body Weight That You Need To Know Immediately

: Your
body weight fluctuates several times within a day

If you
have been actively pursuing the goal of losing weight, you are well aware of
just how herculean of a task can be. Losing weight is a challenge that has its
ups and downs. Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar lists out three important facts that
you must keep in mind throughout the course of your weight loss journey. Rujuta
shared a video on her Instagram timeline wherein she decodes certain body
weight-related assumptions. During the course of losing weight, you may have
noticed at times your body appears more bloated on some days than it does on
others. Or, a sudden gain in weight on one day and a drop in weight on another

answers all weight-related queries with the help of these three simple facts.
In the video, she said, “Don’t let your weight weigh you down.”

The three
bodyweight facts listed by her are:

(body weight) is not an indicator of fatness or fitness

weight fluctuates with the time of the day and with age

3.It is
possible to stay healthy and fit at any bodyweight.

In a post
shared previously, Rujuta tackled some common beliefs related to weight loss.
The nutritionist shared some much-needed weight loss secrets that can help your
power through your journey towards your goal weight. Talking about common
weight loss myths, Rujuta said, “We are often told that eating less is the
shortest route to health, wellness, and a good life. But this is not true.” She
added, “In fact, if you eat less, there is a high chance that your cravings for
chocolates, biscuits, and chips will increase manifold especially late at

weight is possible through a combination of a healthy and well-balanced diet
along with regular exercise. Rujuta, in a post, shared earlier on Instagram, spoke about making healthy and conscious food choices for a
fit body. In order to do so, it is important for you to listen to your
body’s needs. Rujuta explained the important difference between hunger and
cravings. She said, “Feeling hungry and having an appetite is a sign of good
health which means your body is performing its natural functions. Feeling
hunger is important but knowing when to stop eating is even more important and
that is called satiety.”

these bodyweight facts the next time you feel disheartened by the reading on
the weighing scale. 

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