MUMBAI: Priyanka lands 27th spot on Instagram rich list, makes ₹3 cr per post: report

MUMBAI: Priyanka lands 27th spot on Instagram rich list, makes ₹3 cr per post: report

MUMBAI: Actor Priyanka Chopra has landed at the 27th spot on
the Hopper Instagram Richlist year. With 64 million followers on Instagram,
Priyanka is reportedly getting $403,000 ( ₹3 crore) for every promotional post
she makes on the app.

The list
is released annually and ranks celebs, sports personalities and others based on
how much they charge for each of their promoted posts on Instagram. Last year,
Priyanka was on the 19th spot with $271,000 earned per post. While her earnings
per post have increased significantly, those of others have seen a much higher

Priyanka Chopra ranked 27th on the list.

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